
Causes of Premature Failure of Repaired Concrete Structures

Causes of Premature Failure of Repaired Concrete Structures Sometimes repaired concrete structures are not proper. the repair work leads to waste of time and money. Many researches have been conducted to specify causes of premature ­­­failure in repaired concrete. For instance, the wrong diagnose of defect causes, inappropriate selection of repair materials, poor workmanship, failure to remove defected concrete etc. Premature failure happens when the defect occurs within the design life of the component. Any other failure mode indicates an abnormality, no matter how long the period before failure. What are the Causes of Premature Failure of Repaired Concrete Structures? Ø   Inappropriate selection of repair materials. Ø   Diagnose the cause of damage of concrete structure wrongly. Ø   Proper surface preparation is key to making sure concrete repairs last. So, failure to prepare, remove, and clean deteriorated concrete area properly. Ø   Utilization of heavy equ